
On May 7th the river keeper sweep was going on down by the water front. I was in charge of the group from 1 pm-4 pm. Our job was to pick up garbage in that area. It was a ton of fun because we got to clean up and at the same time have loads of fun with each-other. I got to talk to a bunch of the 10th graders i haven’t talked to and i even got quoted in the newspaper.

On April 17th I volunteered for the habitat for humanities which was to fund raise enough money for people who are less fortunate to have a home. The walk started from Washington headquarters and ended on east Parmenter. It was a very large turn out almost filling in the entire park. We met a bunch of new people who have shared their experience before habitat for humanities. It was extremely fun spending time with friends as well.

On December 9th the hour of code took place and i was finally able to show off the sumo bots that i made in robotics. I also had a chance to introduce my brother to scratch and the mechanics of how it works. I never expected him to actually be interested in coding, every once in a while he still asks me to log onto scratch so he can “play around” in his words.